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Starting A Business: Step 1

Posted by Twilight Man on Jul 19th 2024

Why in the world, and how, would someone who has had a smartphone for less than a decade (official certifying metric of a caveman), decide to start a business? Not just any business but an online store. Accused of being a boomer by similar aged coworkers in reference to the use of technology should be enough to send the caveman back to play with rocks and stick for another few decades. More time with barbells and rucksacks than time pronouncing the acronym MBA is not a good starting point. You see, having children can force even a caveman into confused action in the arena of the unknown unknowns about technology and business. YouTube is an easy and dangerous tool that effectively preys on a caveman’s ability to click a video on how easy it is in twenty-twenty whatever to start a business. Scroll down half a thought’s length and there are the 10 reasons why you should start that business followed by how many millions you can make by taking this masterclass. With such encouragement how could one not give it a try?

Intentions are not to make millions as many of the video’s purport to be achievable in a 3-step process. Making millions in 3 steps seems like a good way to end up in prison or probably more certainly decay one’s balance of value and effort. The concept is avoided with the ringing sentiments of “how much is enough” and “do you own your things, or do they own you?”. So, what is the reason for entering oneself into an activity that statistics claim will likely result in failure and probably soon? Well, as mentioned earlier those children can get a caveman to leave his cave, at least a few steps. Simply put, you can’t teach your kids something that you don’t know how to do yourself.

Why should the caveman take this on himself, isn’t there numerous resources that could teach the kids better than he? Certainly, however to what efficacy and at what cost? Pushing the envelope and adventure are both free thanks to citizenship in a country with more freedoms than most. With budgets not bulging and mouths needing fed, it may be best to enter the world of business quietly and humbly in small steps to not upset the apple cart. With the end goal being to pave a road of understanding that can be relayed to the next generation. How to start a business is investigated using that shiny new smartphone and the limitless reach, as long as the signal is good.